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RENTER: _ ___ __ ____________ ______ __ ___ _____ ___ (C o - Driv ers :) ________ ______ ______ ________ _
Address: ______ ______ _________ ______ _____ ________ ______ ________ ____ __________ ______ ___ Contact Phone: ________ _____ _________ __ _____ _ Alt Phone: __ _ ____ __________ ______ ________ _ Place of Intended Use: __________ ______ ________ _____ _________ _____ ________ ______ ______ ___ TOW VEHIC LE: _____ ________ ______ ________ ____ ______ License Plate # _______ ______ ________ __ TRAILER REN TED STOCK # _______ _____ DESCRI PTION: _ ___ _____ _________ ______ ________ _____ _________ _____ SERIAL NU MBER # __________________________ _________ Deposit Required: _______ ______ (returned to Renter upon return of Trailer without Damage)Rental Ra te: ____ ______ __ for per (day / we ek) for rental period _____ ____ __ _ ( days / w eeks).
Late Fee Rental : ______ __ per day there after . DATE/TIME OUT : __________ ___ DUE : ____ __ _ ______ _
RENT AL TERMS AN D CONDITI ONS 1. The RENTER shall keep a nd maintain the rented trailer during the terms of the rental period atcustom ers own cost and expens e. Custome r shall keep the trailer in a good st ate of repair during the
rental period .2. The RENTER shall pay th e OWNER full compensatio n for full replacement of an y trailer which is not
returned because it is lost or stolen and/or repair including parts & lab or, of any trailer which is
damaged and in need of repair to put it int o the same condition it was in at the time of r ental. The
OWNER’s invoice for replac ement or repair is conclusive as t o the amount RENTER shall pay und er this
paragraph for repair or rep lacement.3. The RENTER shall infor m the OWNER upon dem and , of the exact lo cation of the tr ailer at an y time
while i t is in the RENTERS’ s possess ion. Trailers are n ot to be taken ou tside th e Sta te of Texas with out
prior WRI TTEN cons ent fr om H ouston Trail ers, In c. (the “ Owner”).4. The traile r shall be d eliv ered to R ENTER a nd return ed to OWN ER at the REN TER’s ri sk, c ost and
expense. If a periodic renta l rate is charged by OWN ER, rental charges are billed t o the RENTER for each
period or portions of the period fr om the time the tra iler is delivered to RENTER un til its return. If a term
rental rate is charged by O WNER, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for the full term even if the
trailer is r eturned befor e the en d of the term. If the trailer i s not re turned d uring or at th e end of the
term, then the r ental charges shall continue a full - term basis for any additional term or portion thereof
until the trailer is returned.5. No allowance will be ma de for any rented trailer or portion thereof which is claimed n ot to have been
used. Acc eptanc e of return ed trailer by OWN ER does not c onstitu te a wai ver of a ny of the rig hts O WNER
has und er the ren tal agr eement.6. If the RENTER is in defau lt of any of the terms and c onditions of this agreemen t, the OWNER, and his
agents, at th e RENTE R’s risk, c ost and exp ense may at any time enter th e RENT ER’s p remises where th e
rented trailer is stored or u sed at all time and rec over the rented trailer. 7. The RENTER shall not pled ge or encumber the rente d trailer in any way. The O WNER may terminatethis agreem ent immediate ly upon the fai lure of RENTER t o make rental payme nts when due, o r upon
RENTER’s filling for protection from credit ors in any court of compe tent jurisdiction. 8. The OWNER makes no warranty of any kind regardi ng the rented trailer, excep t that OWNER shallreplace the trailer with iden tical or similar trailer if the trailer fails t o operate in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications and operation instructions. Such replace ment shall be made as soon as practicable after RENTER r eturns t he non - conforming trailer. 9. RENTER indemnifies and holds OWN ER harmless for all injuries or da mage of any kind for repossession and for all co nsequential and special damages for any claimed breach of warranty.10. The RENTER shall pay all reas onable atto rney and other f ees, the expen ses and costs incu rred by
OWNER in p rotecti on its righ ts under th is renta l agre ement and for any action t aken O WNER to collect
any amo unts due the OWNER unde r this rental agreement.11. These terms are accep ted by th e REN TER up on delivery of the terms to the RENTER or the a gent or
other repres entati ve of RENTER. DATE: _ ______ ______ ________ _ RENTER: _ _________ _____ _____ OWNER: _ _ ________ ____ ______ Houston Trailers, Inc. Copy: D river’s License, Pro of of Insurance, Credit Card . Colle ct: Deposi t, Pay ment f or Anticip ated R ental Period TRAILER INS PECTION DATE : ___________ __ PERFORMED BY : __ _________ __________ ____ HITCH COND ITION: FUNCTIO NAL/NON - F UN CT ION ELECT PLUG : 7, 6, 4, CONDITION : 1- 10__ ___ TONGUE CONDITI ON: 1 - 10____ _ SAFETY CHAIN: PRESENT 1 - 10___ __ JACK AND FOOT CONDITION: 1 - 10 _____ FRAME CONDITION : 1 - 10_____ DECK CONDITION: 1 - 10_____ WHEEL CONDITION : 1 - 10_____ TIRES: BULG ES, CUTS, WEAR, STEEL BELTS SHOWING 1 - 10_____ SPARE: NON E/YES CON DITION 1 - 10___ __ LIGHTS: S TOP/TURN /TAIL LIGHT __ ______ ______ __ LIGHTS: C LEARANCE _________ ______ ______ ____ PAINT CON DITION: COLOR _______ ___ _ 1 - 10__ ___ LOCK CONDITION: 1 - 1 0______ WALL EXTERIOR: 1 - 10_____ WALL INTERIOR: 1 - 10__ ___ SWITCHES: 1 - 10__ ___ LIGHTS, INTE RIOR: 1 - 10 _____ ROOF A/C FUN CTION (or N/A): 1 - 10__ ___ FLOOR: MATERI AL__ _________ 1 - 10______ POWER CORDS : _ ______ ______ _________ __ OTHER NOTE D DEFECTS : __________ ______ _____ ________ ______ ________ _____ _________ _____ ____ __________ ______ ___ __________ ______ _____ ________ ______ ________ _____ _________ _____ ____ __________ ______ ___ __________ ______ _____ ________ ______ ________ _____ _________ _____ ____ __________ ______ ___ Renters I nitials _ ______ ____ Own ers Initial s ____ _______ _ Trailer Rental P olicie s Care & Cleanin g of Trai lerAll rentals are made with the understanding that nor mal wear and tear is includ ed in the rental rate.
However, any damage fr om misuse or improper care will be charged for. Our rental rate structure anticipates all trailer being returned cl ean or additional charges will be made. Depos it sDeposi ts are required fo r any item rente d unless credit ha s been establis hed in advance . Deposit can b e
paid for with an approved credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, A merican Express). We also
accept prepaid credit cards , cash, or checks for deposits. Tire s – Road Damage - Fla t Tire sBefore operating r ental tra iler, ch eck th e jobsite for de bris or terrain t hat could cause dam age to tires ,
and be aware of r oadway debris and/or damage that could cause tire damag e to the trailer . In m ost
instances, damage to tires are ca used by condition s on a job site or roadways and as such payment for
ALL t i re repairs is c onsider ed th e responsi bility of the c ustomer. In th e event of a fla t tire, th e cust omer
can call a tire repair co mpany of their choice or Houst on Trailers can call a tire re pair company on behalf
of the cus tomer , at the s ole exp ense of the Cust omer . Houston Trailers is NOT responsible for Tire
Damage during the rental p eriod. Please inspect tires prior t o rental for good operating c ondition.
Operating Condit ion of T railerWe will perform an inspect ion WITH you prior t o delivery. But i n the event that t he trailer you've rented
is not operating as it should or has a problem, please contact Houston Trailers immediatel y. Phone (979 )
387 - 36 62.Conti nuing to run the trailer with a malfunction can ca use excess wear, tear, and damage and will al so
result in e xtra ti me spen t atte mpting t o complet e you r transpo rtation project. Pl ease h elp us ta ke care
of our t railer , and help y ou get your t ransportatio n project done properly, but addressing any and all
malfunc tions or pro blems as they occur.If you do not call to inform us of the problem with the trailer and wait to infor m us when you return the
trailer when it is scheduled to b e due, y ou may b e hel d responsib le for the full cost of th e rental unit or